URLs to IndexNow Using JSON

and Linux Curl

Jason logo for Bing and Indexnow.

Sending Multiple URLs to IndexNow Using JSON. Bing Webmaster Tools uses IndexNow to index updated or newly created website content.

Sending Multiple URLs to IndexNow Using JSON and Linux Curl

Sample text file for the domain root, with the key listed inside the text document:


Sample JSON command line entry to submit two URLs.

(Substitute your API Keys, and your domain with URLs. Remember the slashes at the ends of some lines to continue the line.) After copy and pasting press Enter. There should be no errors. curl -v -H 'Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8'     \
       -H POST    \
       -d '{"host":"https://www.example.com",
      }'    \

Sample JSON Header command line entry, followed by the file urls.json.

The file urls.json should be created with a text editor (such as nano or vi) in the same location where you will copy and paste the command Header. After copy and pasting the Header press Enter. There should be no errors.


curl -v -H 'Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8'     \
       -H POST     \
       -d @urls.json     \



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